Online Mouse Colony Management Software Experts: FREE TRIAL access to the SoftMouse cloud app on your mobile Android and iPad tablets Welcome.   Now is the time to Switch to the 24/7 supported SoftMouse.NET Colony Management Database.      Learn more
Rodent Colony Management
Database & Software

SoftMouse tracks your mice, rats, breeding, cages, litters.
Access and update your colony data on a mobile device (iPad, Android tablet) right from your animal facility!
SoftMouse is simply the most intuitive online and mobile e-labbook colony management system.

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Smart Colony Management


Work from your Home or Remotely

Tips for Working Remotely

Security Suggestions
  1. Install and Update Anti-virus software on computer.
  2. Laptops and desktop computer should be encrypted.
    • Activate encryption on your laptop and desktop computer (Mac and Windows both have encryption built-in).
  3. Check that all security software is up to date on your laptop and desktop computer; Privacy tools, add-ons for browsers and other patches need to be checked regularly.
  4. Use strong passwords: it is important to ensure that all accounts are protected with strong passwords.
    • For assistance please review our:
      • Password Management page.
      • Good Password Security Hygiene page
  5. Ensure your Wi-Fi connection is secure.
  6. Make sure you are using a secure connection to your work environment. Where possible install a VPN.
  7. Lock your screen if you work in a shared space.
  8. Look out for phishing emails and unsecure websites.
    • Learn more about Good Email Security Hygiene here.
  1. Be available to answer questions or emergency inquiries.
  2. Have a reliable internet connection.
  3. Be accessible and be aware of incoming emails.
  4. Be accessible for telephone calls and provide your current phone number to your manager.
Productivity Environment
  1. Make sure you have access to a quiet room.
  2. Limit the distractions in your work area both in terms of reducing any noise as well as discussing boundaries with other occupants of your home.
  3. We strongly suggest you have a headset to:
    1. communicate with your colleagues.
    2. block out noises and distractions.
  4. Make sure you have a comfortable chair and table.
  5. Make sure you have access to a computer.
Concentration and Focus
  1. Focus on your task.
  2. Set timelines and organize yourself.
  3. Stay in hourly contact with your colleagues.
  4. Reach out to colleagues if you need assistance.
Additional Information
  1. Emergency Planning and Preparedness

Frequently asked questions:

1. Are you working from home or remotely and can’t remember your login information?
    Many of you may have your SoftMouse.NET login credentials saved on your work computer...but not your home computer!

    Tip: You can easily reset your password by clicking the "Forgot Password" link within the SoftMouse.NET login box OR contact our support team for assistance.

2. With my team now working from home, does SoftMouse.NET provide training for continued learning?
    Absolutely! With everyone having increased working from home hours, why not dedicate some time to learning about the latest and upcoming functionality that SoftMouse.NET offers to streamline your tasks?

    Tip: Click HERE to see and register for our upcoming online webinars.

    We will be hosting 2-3 ~30 minute webinars every week. You can expect to learn about:
    • Advanced SoftMouse.NET training/tips
    • Doing more with SoftMouse.NET

Schedule A Demo

Email us at [email protected] with a date and time that is convenient with your schedule and we will gladly give you an online tour of SoftMouse

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Schedule a Demo
Contact us about workflow consultations, online demo or personalized online training

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Switch to SoftMouse, the smarter way for rodent colony management


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